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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-09-16  |  12KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (35 colors)
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OCR: USER All original content video pue audio materials were digitized using the Radius VideoVision board. A11 recordings were done with standard audio and video equipment pue all editing and effects were accomplished l entirely in the Macintosh. All graphics were designed entirely on Macintosh For More Information On Radius Products Please print fill out pue mail this coupon to radus Radius Inc. 1710 Fortune Drive Name San Jose CA 951 31 -1744 Address VideoVision City Radius Rocket State or Province RocketShare Zip or Country Postal Code Radius Display products Phone number Please include hue questions you may have regarding Videovision or other Radius products PRIN RETURN USERS aphios fil1 coupor RocketShar nunober regar ding BETURN